I created Stubby the Legless Boy "Stubby" after my brother. My brother Alex and I have always been very close and he has always been my best friend. One day in class, I was trying to draw him from memory (because that is more interesting then balancing equations in chemistry). When Alex was young, we thought he was going to be very short because he had very stubby legs, so when I was drawing him, I decided to take his legs off completely. That's how Stubby was born! Stubby has been on every homework assignment, project and test since I was 15 years old, constantly complaining and ridiculing me (like my brother would if he saw me actually completing these tasks).
I drew this Stubby with Copic alcohol based markers in greyscale. There is an ongoing joke with a friend of mine that he is colorblind; therefore, this was his graduation present. 
I friend of mine got accepted to the Cincinnati School of Music and this was his graduation gift.
I friend of mine got accepted to the Cincinnati School of Music and this was his graduation gift.

This is my family wearing Stubby the Legless Boy T-Shirts.

This is a video I created using Adobe After Effects in my graphic design class. 

This is another video I created using Adobe After Effects. For this assignment, we were instructed to create a dynamic and moving logo driven by the inspirations of different companies across the world. 

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