Without Words
This was the second project for the semester. We were instructed to create a book that showcased different body languages throughout the world. Five different body languages per country and one country per continent.
For this assignment, I wanted to incorporate the flags of each country and use them as a guide to find their body languages. When printed, the flags' colors are visible from the side of the book.
Additionally, I added tabs that pull out from the bottom of the pages. These tabs have the historical context explaining some of the body language found in the book.
Bank Notes for the visually impaired
My first design project of the semester was to create bank notes for the blind and the visually impaired. To do this, I used different sizes for each type of note and made the colors extremely contrasting; therefore, making each note very distinctive even in the dark.
I also tested how it would look for different types of color blindness to ensure that they would also be able to use the new rendition of the bank notes.

These are images of how the bank notes look for the two major types of color blindness
Presentation to class

These are the front an back images for the bills I created next to the preview of what they would look like for the colorblind.

This is how each of my bills fit into a wallet