Lily was raised in Canton, Georgia by her grandparents. Her family, since she was very young, had inspired her interest in art and music. The entirety of Lily's life, she devoted her time and energy to music. Her first piano lesson was when she was 8 and from then on all she did was music. She's been in several plays, different choirs and singing groups, she was in the Sequoyah High School Marching Band and even took AP Music Theory in high school; however, even though Lily's life has been engulfed by music, she has always had a love for art, creating and designing things. When it was time for her to graduate high school and go to college, Lily decided that she wanted her creative abilities to contribute to helping others.
Now, she's a sophomore at Kennesaw State University pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Design. She also works part-time at the UPS Store. Lily is interested in Interactive Design because of the struggles she sees on a daily basis surrounding user interfaces. At home, her grandmother has a very hard time adjusting her hearing aids due to the app on her phone not being user friendly. Her grandfather struggles with using the home's smart tv due to it's hidden features and icons that are hard to decipher. At work, she sees customers using the Amazon website and app to make amazon returns and everyday. People young and old, have a hard time with the interface and are constantly frustrated. Lily wants to help make this world more usable and as less frustrating as possible. 
This is some of my family. Lily/me (left), Xander/boyfriend (on my right), grandmother (right), grandfather (far right).
This is some of my family. Lily/me (left), Xander/boyfriend (on my right), grandmother (right), grandfather (far right).
I spent all of my high school years in band and chorus. This is me about to play in the pit for my high school's marching band.
I spent all of my high school years in band and chorus. This is me about to play in the pit for my high school's marching band.
This is my little brother and I. I created "Stubby the Legless Boy" from my little brother.
This is my little brother and I. I created "Stubby the Legless Boy" from my little brother.
I graduated from Sequoyah High School with Honors in May of 2022. This is a picture of my boyfriend, Xander, and I.
I graduated from Sequoyah High School with Honors in May of 2022. This is a picture of my boyfriend, Xander, and I.
This is my Mimi (my grandmother) and I.
This is my Mimi (my grandmother) and I.
This my Palou (my grandfather) and I.
This my Palou (my grandfather) and I.
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